Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal Rituals

As the Lion's Gate portal opens, a powerful alignment unfolds between the heliacal rise of Sirius and the Sun in Leo. This celestial event, peaking on August 8th, invites us to embark on a profound journey of inner abundance and cosmic connection. It is a time to shift our focus from the external world to the infinite wellspring of energy within us. Through intentional rituals, we can align ourselves with the cosmic rhythms and harness the potent energies of this sacred time.

The Power of Lion's Gate

Lion's Gate is a celestial alignment that resonates deeply with the energies of infinity, abundance, and renewal. The number eight, which symbolizes infinity and cycles of renewal, is doubly potent on 08/08, emphasizing its significance. The heliacal rise of Sirius, most notably observed from Egypt’s latitude, activates the pyramids at Giza and distributes energy through the world's leylines and our body's energetic pathways, including our DNA. This portal, open roughly from July 26th to August 12th, is a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with the cosmos and the abundance that lies within and around us.

Rituals to celebrate Lion's Gate Portal

The Following rituals are meant to help you ground yourself, celebrate, and step forward in your true power, as you attune yourself with the energy of the season.

1. Meditation on Inner Abundance

Find a quiet space and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. Visualize a wellspring of light within your heart, radiating warmth and abundance. Feel this energy expanding, filling your entire being with a sense of fulfillment and richness. Reflect on all the blessings in your life, acknowledging the abundance that already exists.

2. Empowering the Solar Feminine

The rise in Solar Feminine energy during the Lion's Gate encourages us to set clear boundaries. Light a candle and sit in a comfortable position. Reflect on areas in your life where you need to assert yourself more clearly. Write down any boundaries you need to establish or reinforce. As you do, feel the empowerment of the Solar Feminine energy, supporting you in speaking your truth and honoring your needs.

3. Solar Plexus Activation

Engage in physical movements that stimulate the solar plexus chakra. Twists, backbends, and abdominal exercises help to energize this area. Visualize a golden light radiating from your solar plexus, strengthening your confidence and inner fire.

4. Grounding and Connection

Spend time outdoors, connecting with the earth. Walk barefoot on grass, sand, or soil to ground yourself. As you do, visualize the leylines of the earth coming alive with the upgraded energy of the Lion's Gate, and feel this energy flowing through your body. Engage in liberating activities that connect you with nature and your wild, untamed self. Howl at the full moon, dance under the stars, or swim in natural waters. Let go of inhibitions and embrace the raw, free-spirited energy within you.

5. Sacred Geometry Visualization

Visualize the infinity symbol (a horizontal figure eight) and contemplate its meaning. Reflect on how the energies of the Lion's Gate remind us that abundance is unbounded, transcending time and space. Let this visualization inspire you to embrace the limitless potential within you.

The Lion's Gate portal is a sacred time that invites us to embody abundance, empower our inner solar feminine, and align with the cosmic rhythms. Through intentional rituals, we can tap into the infinite wellspring of energy within us and around us. By embracing gratitude, setting clear boundaries, grounding ourselves in nature, and reflecting on the celestial synchronicity, we liberate ourselves from the relentless pursuit of more and embrace a life of contented presence.

May these rituals guide you through the Lion's Gate, helping you to harness the powerful energies of this time and connect deeply with your inner abundance and cosmic connection.

If you wish to deepen your connection to nature’s cycles and wisdom in sisterhood and ceremony, I invite you to join The Sacred Spiral — a-year-and-a-day ceremonial exploration of the Priestess path, guided by The Wheel of The Year. The Sacred Spiral delves into the profound teachings of the elements, directions, and seasons, guiding you towards the natural tapestry of creation. Secure your spot on the waitlist to be the first to know when the doors swing open again!


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