The Sovereign Spiral


A 13-Week Spiral into the Heart of the Priestess

December 2024 - March 2025

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Walk the next spiral of your Priestess Path in mentorship,
ritual, sisterhood, and ceremony over 13 weeks.

Our spiral begins on Winter Solstice (December 2024) and culminates
in the season of emergence at the Spring Equinox portal
(March 2025).

The Training Unfolds

The Training Unfolds

Awakening The Heart of the Priestess

While many spiritual teachings focus on moving from the base, up, the spiral within the Priestess Path is non-linear. Our journey begins in the Sacred Spiral, a space within, where we journey through the conscious and subconscious, spiraling deeper to truth. It is here where we build and learn the foundation. As we continue the journey, we arrive at the spiral of the heart, The Sovereign Spiral. It is here where we embody the Priestess and integrate the divine feminine into our way of life.

Over 13 weeks, we will gather in ceremony, and meet in sisterhood for advanced embodiment and ritual practice, complemented by 1:1 Mentorship calls, as well as bespoke Sacred Assignments, and integration. This is a container of transformation—new layers of the self are here to be uncovered and embodied.

Each week, we will spiral around a topic within this
 Mystery School of the Priestess Arts, engaging in aligned ritual practices and ceremonial work. The teachings will resonate with the theme and will vary according to the season and the cosmic energies at play.

We begin our journey within the cosmic void, at the Winter Solstice Portal, and spiral through the returning of the light, first to Imbolc, and then again until we reach the Spring Equinox—the time of rebirth. This creates the perfect container from which you will step into full sovereignty, centered in the light of the heart.

The Offering

The Sovereign Spiral is the next layer, or spiral, of the Priestess Path within The Feminine Code. It is a deeper dive into the Priestess Path from a training perspective and includes one-on-one mentorship opportunities with Kate. For this reason, we will hold a very small and cohesive container with limited space. Applications will close when capacity is reached.

What’s Included

3 one-on-one live mentorship calls with Kate

3 one-on-one correspondence Sacred Assignments / Bespoke Quests with Kate over three lunar cycles

3 Live Ceremonies (recording available)

5 Live Teaching Temples + Q&A Calls (recording available)

3 Live Rites & Ritual Meetings (recording available)

13 weeks for deepening your Priestess Path, guided by 4 lunar cycles and
a 13th completion week

Sacred rituals, embodiment practices and techniques, deepening 
your Priestess Journey

A bespoke Rose Chart Reading from Kate's personal Astrologer to guide your one-on-one time together

7 healing experiences or journeys featuring sounds from Soul Star Sound Sanctuary

13 Plant Ally Roots & Ritual Experiences - a new communion each week

An intimate group - space is very limited

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Why 13 Weeks?

We move through these 13 weeks with a connection to the power of the number 13 and its innate relationship to the divine feminine.

There are 13 Lunar Cycles in the true lunar year

A woman’s moon blood cycles 13 times in a year, and ovulation happens
 around the 13th day

The moon, connected to the feminine element of water, moves approximately 
13 degrees in her daily orbit

Venus, the planet of love and the divine feminine, makes 13 Revolutions in her 8-year cycle

Many ancient cultures used lunar calendars that consisted of 13 months

There are 13 Tones in the Mayan Calendar, each tone reflecting an aspect of creation, often associated with feminine energy and cosmic cycles

13 Cards per Suit in a Deck, symbolizing the completion of a cycle

The 13 Weeks are separated into 4 Lunar Cycles and a 13th Completion Week. The description of these weeks is purposefully nebulous for two reasons: the first is that
 a Mystery School’s teachings hold power because of the fact they are just that, mysterious, and second, the training will organically shift depending upon the constellation of women that form the container.

Weeks 1 - 3:  The Opening

In the Opening, we begin with the Winter Solstice Ceremony. While in the depths of the darkness, we will also call back the light. Welcome to the initiation of holding resonance and frequency. One of the key areas we will focus on in this opening spiral is: How to hold a container so that transformation can occur. We will also go more deeply into the Blood Mysteries, Blood Rites, as well as Plant Allyship. In this chapter of the Spiral, you will receive healing journeys, the Opening Ceremony, a Ritual Call, Your personal Rose Reading, and a Teaching Temple call. On Week 3, we begin the first of our Sacred Assignments. One-on-one mentorship calls also begin in the third week of our container.

Weeks 4 - 6: The Rising

In the Rising, we emerge from the stillness of winter and begin to ascend, while keeping a strong connection to the earth-based practices and our sacred plants. Without its roots, the tree falls. During this phase, you will engage in sacred rituals and powerful embodiment practices to clear yourself to be a more embodied channel. You will learn about the Anointing Rites and the Myrrhophore tradition. One of the core tenets of walking this path is holding a clear container so that we may be a conduit for love and healing. Correspondence Bespoke Quest directly with Kate continues in this phase, as well as teaching temples, all designed to support your rising and deepening on the Priestess Path.

Weeks 7 - 9: The Precipice

The Precipice is a time of standing on the edge, with sight and trust in the unknown. In this phase, we will go more deeply into uncovering our clairs and other extraordinary gifts, learn to harness them with more clarity, and use them for the greatest good of all involved. Here, you'll be guided through live ritual meetings and Q&A calls, where we will explore the themes of transformation and readiness. We will meet the celebration of Imbolc together and journey deeply in ceremony. One-on-one mentorship calls and correspondence Sacred Assignments continue during this phase as well.

Weeks 10 - 12: The Descent

In the Descent, we journey inward uncovering the wisdom found in the depths, as well as learn how the descent can also occur even when energies are rising. We will learn to Mistress (as opposed to Master) the opposites as a path to healing and understanding our wholeness. These weeks will work with the Rites of Blue Lotus through ceremony, and the cycle of Birth-Death-Rebirth and how it related to the Ascend-Descent waves we experience as humans. The descent is a time for introspection and there will be no Sacred Assignment or one-on-one calls during the first week. In the subsequent weeks, we will return from the silence to prepare for our rebirth.

Week 13: The Becoming

The Becoming marks the culmination of our journey, where we rebirth anew. Our final ceremony will take us into the Ostara/Spring Equinox portal in celebration of this  phase closing, and a new one beginning. Completion of this spiral on the Priestess path leads you further on your initiatory journey towards a new expression of how you show up in the world.
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This Training is for You if:

You feel a deep calling within your heart to embrace your true power, reconnect with the ancient wisdom teachings of the Sacred Feminine across several lineages, and join in a small, intimate circle of women from around the world in sisterhood

  • The word Priestess calls you deeply and you are ready to answer that call
  • You are eager to deepen your embodiment of the divine feminine through connection to the natural realms and Great Nature
  • You are looking for a way to go even more deeply into your spiritual journey (perhaps following your journey from The Sacred Spiral)
  • You have a foundational spiritual practice (all backgrounds welcome)
  • You are ready to integrate the way of the Priestess into how you live your life
  • You are seeking a mentorship-based container that still holds community at its core
  • You are seeking a teacher that has walked this path and embodies it as a way of life
  • You seek a community of like-minded women to connect with on your journey
  • You seek to weave several Priestess lineages into your heart including Celtic, Ancient Egyptian, Avalonian and The Lineage of the Rose

A Note About Initiation

Many women find themselves here with a desire to initiate on the Priestess Path. Others find themselves here for their personal development journey and to explore. Both of these paths are wonderful and welcome. For those who wish to journey down the path of initiation, this program is the second part of a series of three Spirals that culminate in your sovereign initiation—that is, you initiate yourself upon completion of your training. No one can do this for you. This container acts as a sacred space in which you can continue walking your path.
If you do wish to initiate, the journey begins with the first spiral, The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey, which is the foundational program that builds the blocks for the second spiral, The Sovereign Spiral Priestess Training. While you are not required to register for The Sacred Spiral as a pre-requisite for taking The Sovereign Spiral, it is recommended that you have a strong foundational spiritual practice. For those who do wish to initiate, there is a third Spiral that follows The Sovereign Spiral.
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Are You Ready to Meet Your Heart?

The Sovereign Spiral is for every woman who wishes to walk the path of the Priestess and deepen within the mysteries of the divine feminine. It is a Mystery School of devotion that weaves teachings from Great Nature and the Great Mystery.

“My heart is full with gratitude. The wisdom , energy, inspiration, support, and compassion Kate has offered during this time together, is next level. Thank you so much.”


“Kate’s energy and approach to teaching and healing is phenomenal!”


“I have such overwhelming love for Kate and all that she is bringing into the world. I feel like I am at the beginning of a new journey because of her…Thank you.”


“Kate is an amazing space holder, she shares her wisdom with love and passion, and I immediately trusted her and felt connected with her. It was a lot of change on a personal level.”

Mari Marte

“Kate is love embodied. Working with her was so much more than learning something new, it was an experience through my body, senses, and soul. She mirrored to me the love and wisdom I carry and did so with such grace and compassion.”


“Kate has a quiet elegance about her. A calming presence and behind that calm is incredibly powerful energy. One of my favorite teachings from Kate is that the only protection we need is love. If you’re starting on this journey or perhaps already on it, this is a beautiful, beautiful course and community.”


“Kate holds the space with grace, love, deep wisdom, and knowledge. It’s a safe space where you can truly explore the deeper parts of the inner world and your own sacred path. If you are someone called to that kind of deep and beautiful journey, this is the place for you.”


About Kate, Your Guide

Kate is an Initiated and Ordained High Priestess, entrepreneur and Founder.  Her own path has been a spiral - one which combined walking the path of the Priestess and founding several successful companies. Her passion is weaving the sacred into the everyday, and today, Kate supports thousands of women from around the world on their personal journeys to do just that.

Kate has initiated and Ordained as both Priestess and High Priestess within the Lineage of the Rose, descending from the Magdalene line. She has also studied and trained within The Golden Age Lineage (ancient Egypt), Myrrhophore tradition, and is also an initiated Priestess of Avalon. Additionally, Kate’s Celtic ancestry influences much of her work. Her work weaves teachings with these different influences into what she refers to as The Feminine Code. The core of all these teachings is rooted in nature, based on love and is a non-dogmatic approach that is accessible to all women who are open to the alchemy of the Divine Feminine & Great Nature.

Kate’s devotion to the divine feminine permeates through all her work, including her business endeavours, where she has also worked with thousands of women to help them weave the divine masculine and feminine aspects together to create and scale businesses that are aligned and successful. She is also a Ceremonialist, a TEDx speaker, and has hosted numerous retreats around the world in locations such as Bali, Egypt, and Norway. Alongside her intuitive gifts, Kate has also studied and certified in a host of healing modalities.

Read Kate's Story

If you feel the call...

You can apply now to the Sovereign Spiral Priestess Training. We begin on Winter Solstice 2024 and applications are received on a rolling basis. Please note, the container will close when it reaches capacity. Due to the one-on-one component and nature of these teachings, we will be in a small and intimate group.

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    The Feminine Code’s priestess path is non-dogmatic, in the sense that you are working with the alchemy of the Sacred Feminine and its wisdom. Today, no lineage has survived intact, as so much of the divine feminine wisdom was desecrated and destroyed. For this reason, both The Sacred Spiral and The Sovereign Spiral aim to weave together the pieces that have been found and remembered.  All women are welcome here - all beliefs, from all backgrounds, from all places. The Feminine Code Priestess School combines teachings from several different lineages that Kate has studied and initiated into, including that of her Celtic ancestral heritage. Kate’s initiations include Mary Magdalene’s Priestess lineage and is an initiated High Priestess of the Lineage of the Rose, a Priestess of Avalon, and a Priestess of the Golden Age (Egyptian origins). Weaving together the earthly paths with the celestial, you will embark on a journey with Great Nature in what is referred to as The Feminine Code.

    You will be walking the path of the Priestess and guided in many ancient practices, and The Sovereign Spiral is the second spiral of a several-year initiatory path offered by The Feminine Code Priestess School. The Sovereign Spiral serves as an advanced training into the mystical arts of the Priestess. This work is incredibly supportive for anyone wishing to walk this path devotionally and those intending to initiate into the priestess path. This program is also wonderful for those who are curious about the Priestess path, but do not necessarily wish to initiate. The container holds wisdom teachings and learnings that you can incorporate into your own life to begin or deepen your spiritual journey. Initiation is a process that requires years of deep commitment. Kate believes it would not be in integrity to initiate someone within The Sovereign Spiral alone.
  • Can I still participate in the course if I don’t have any prior knowledge or training about the Divine Feminine?

    The Sovereign Spiral offers an advanced journey into the art of priestessing, inviting you to further explore and embody this sacred path. If you're new to walking the Priestess Path, we warmly recommend starting with The Sacred Spiral first. This foundational step will beautifully prepare you for the transformative experience that the Sovereign Spiral holds. If you already have a strong spiritual practice, you are welcome to join The Sovereign Spiral directly.
  • I AM GOING THROUGH A LOT and not sure I have the space for something like this right now - is this program suitable for me?

    Since The Sovereign Spiral is an advanced training with a personal one-on-one component and limited spots, we encourage you to apply at a time when you can fully dedicate yourself to the 13 week sacred journey. This will ensure you make the most of the experience and insights that await you on this path. That being said, The Sovereign Spiral can be an incredibly supportive place to move through life's challenges. Trust your intuition. If you would prefer a journey that is more at your own pace, then you are warmly invited to The Sacred Spiral, which you can explore in your own timing. This will allow you to immerse yourself fully and prepare beautifully for the next steps on your path.
  • With numerous spiritual programs available, what sets this one apart and makes it the right choice?

    First and foremost, it's essential to acknowledge that there's no definitive "right choice" in this journey. Every experience, be it through a program, coach, mentor, spiritual teacher, or your own internal journey, offers valuable lessons. What truly matters is the resonance of energy and trust that you feel with your chosen guide for this particular point on your path. This decision is deeply intuitive and can only be made by you. If you sense that inner calling, then trust that.

    That being said, The Feminine Code Priestess School brings forward a very grounded approach to an area that can sometimes feel less tangible to grasp. Kate is deeply devoted to this path and practices what she preaches - you will feel that expressed in everything you receive in this offering.

    To answer this question in a few sentences would be doing a disservice, but in an attempt to shed light on an important question: a priestess is a guardian of ancient wisdom, a spaceholder, a threshold holder, a healer, and an embodiment of an integrated feminine and masculine leader. The priestess honours the Sacred Feminine and acknowledges the importance of balance and unity. With a deep connection to nature and an understanding of natural rhythms, she perceives the sacred within each individual, recognizing the oneness that exists between the Divine, nature, and humanity.
  • Can you really learn Priestessing online?

    While there are aspects of walking the priestess path that are important to be in the physical plane together, much of the work and teachings happen on an energetic level. As a result, the online space can be a wonderful way to dive into these teachings with less distraction and in the privacy of your own home. While there will be in-person opportunities to work together throughout the year, you can glean so much depth from the online Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey, Sovereign Spiral Priestess Training, and Feminine Code Priestess School. The energy within these digital containers transcends the constraints of time and space. Even though the setting is virtual, it remains profoundly sacred and potent.
  • How can one balance the demands of a busy life with the sacred path of the Priestess?

    In the midst of life's busyness, embracing the path of the Priestess is even more important. If you’re feeling like there is too much going on and you’re spread thin, we encourage you to reflect on how this may be even more important to prioritize.

    The teachings guide you to weave the sacred feminine into your daily life, bringing harmony and integration as a natural by-product. By recognizing the significance of balance between the feminine and masculine, nurturing a deep connection with nature, and aligning with natural rhythms, one can weave the sacred into everyday existence.

    With that in mind, it’s important to remember that embarking on this journey requires a meaningful time commitment. Given the one-on-one component and the depth of the embodiment sessions, setting aside dedicated time for this course is essential. However, if you’re in a season of life where you need more flexibility, we warmly recommend considering The Sacred Spiral
    . This program allows you the freedom to engage with the materials at your own pace, so you can shape the experience to fit your personal needs and schedule.
  • Will I get instant access to all the course materials?

    Upon registering, you’ll receive access to the course materials gradually, released week by week to support a steady and mindful immersion in these teachings. We believe that moving through each cycle and phase one step at a time is essential for embracing the learning process with ease, grace, and flow.

    If you happen to miss a live session, don’t worry—you’ll still have the chance to experience the magic through the recording of the ceremony, ensuring you stay connected to the journey.

  • What happens if I miss the live sessions?

    A recording will be uploaded to the Sovereign Spiral portal on the same day as each session, allowing you to watch whenever it suits you best. The only time you'll need to plan for a live session is during the one-on-one mentorship calls with Kate.
  • Will I get the chance to connect with the community?

    At the core of Priestessing is the art of creating and nurturing communities. You'll be given the opportunity to connect with other women in the ceremonies as well as through our private online community (which is optional). You will have the wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with remarkable women hailing from diverse corners of the world, each bringing a rich tapestry of professional, spiritual, and cultural backgrounds.
  • I'm truly drawn to the Priestess School, though I'm currently facing budget constraints. Do you offer any payment plans or scholarships?

    Kate holds a strong belief that this wisdom should be available to as many people as possible, and she wholeheartedly understands that financial challenges can sometimes be a barrier to that accessibility. Kate’s vision for both The Feminine Code Business School and The Feminine Code Priestess School is to empower women to find freedom in all aspects of their lives: financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. She is confident that this program will exceed your expectations upon registration.

    To ensure inclusivity, Kate offers both payment plans and scholarship opportunities. For more detailed information on scholarship opportunities, please feel free to reach out to us via email at
  • Is it possible to obtain a refund?

    Please be aware that all sales are final, and refunds are not provided. We genuinely believe that our community and content will offer you a profoundly enriching and soul-nurturing experience. If you have any questions or concerns about registering for any of The Feminine Code Priestess School’s offerings, please feel free to reach out to us via email at
  • What’s the difference between Feminine Code Priestess School and The Sovereign Spiral Priestess Training?

    The Feminine Code Priestess School (FCPS) is the container that will hold all future courses, training, retreats, and events related to the Priestess Path. The Sovereign Spiral Priestess Training is the second offering by the FCPS and marks the second container of initiation as a Priestess.

    Connect with us by email at
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