Rituals and Practices for the July 21st Full Moon in Capricorn

On Sunday, July 21st we have a rare second full moon in a row in the sign of Capricorn, also known as a blue moon. Since the last full moon, we have been immersed in a profound apprenticeship with the practical and goal-oriented energy of Capricorn.

As we approach this second full moon, the energy of culmination is heightened. This is a moment to pause and acknowledge the wisdom we've gained about our strengths, capabilities, and leadership.

Pluto, Uranus, Mars, and Neptune

This full moon is influenced by Uranus, Mars, Pluto, and Neptune, each bringing their unique energy. Uranus and Mars stir up intensity and invite unexpected breakthroughs, while Pluto's conjunction lets us see what we need to release or transform. Mars in Gemini encourages communication and exchanging ideas, and Neptune adds emotional depth and spiritual openness.

Rituals and Practices for the Full Moon in Capricorn

These nurturing rituals and practices will support you in gleaning the wisdom that this full moon has to offer. Feel free to choose the ones that resonate the most, letting your heart guide you.

1. Share Your Wisdom

Capricorn can symbolize the wise elder and invites us to share our unique gifts with the world. Consider how you can serve your community through teaching, mentoring, or simply offering your ideas to someone who might benefit from your thoughtful take. Embrace your role as a leader through your actions and decisions, and inspire others to discover their potential. On the other side of this, you might also seek out an elder within your community to receive wisdom. Feel into what would nourish you most at this time.

2. Release Dream Blockers

Pluto's influence may bring to light patterns in your life that are ready to be released. Take time to journal about what has surfaced for you between these two full moons in Capricorn. Identify patterns you no longer wish to carry forward, specifically those that seem to be a hindrance to your fulfillment and dreams, and symbolically release them by burning your written reflections (in a fire-safe location or container) or dissolving them in water, affirming your intention to let go.

3. Connect to Your Voice

Step into your power and authority by connecting with your voice. Find a quiet space and hum or tone, feeling the resonance of the vibration and energy of your voice within your body rather than focusing on the sound. Explore the sensation of receiving your energy, allowing your voice to express your inner strength and essence.

4. Hold a Full Moon Gathering

Another beautiful way to honor this Capricorn Full Moon is to invite your dearest friends to a moonlit gathering. Take advantage of the summer weather and set a lovely space outside, under the open sky. Celebrate the abundance brought by the full moon with local, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a meal with your loved ones, reflecting on the gratitude you feel for each other, for Mother Earth’s gifts, and for the abundant light the Capricorn Full Moon bestows upon you.

As we approach the end of this portal between full moons in Capricorn, may we honor the lessons that we experienced during this powerful time and anchor into the stability, love, and support of our own inner wise guide.

If you wish to deepen your connection to nature’s cycles and wisdom in sisterhood and ceremony, I invite you to join The Sacred Spiral — a-year-and-a-day ceremonial exploration of the Priestess path, guided by The Wheel of The Year. The Sacred Spiral delves into the profound teachings of the elements, directions, and seasons, guiding you towards the natural tapestry of creation. Secure your spot on the waitlist to be the first to know when the doors swing open again!


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