Rituals for the Leo New Moon

Rituals and Practices for the New Moon in Leo

As the New Moon in Leo graces the skies on Sunday, August 4th, we are blessed with a wave of buoyancy, renewal, and radiant energy in the midst of the intense astrological energies we have been navigating. A fixed fire sign, Leo calls us to ground our creative spirit and step into our leadership with confidence, courage, and heartfelt expression.

Venus, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter

Near the time of the new moon, Venus, adorned in Leo’s warmth, forms a square with Uranus in Taurus. This celestial alignment gently guides us to discover unexpected sweetness in our relationships and encourages us to break free from old patterns that no longer serve our highest good.

Mars, mingling with Jupiter in Gemini, fuels our determination, courage, and drive, placing our flow of ideas at the center of our daily experiences.

As Saturn continues its square with Jupiter, we can find comfort in knowing that any restrictions in communication or expression are guiding us toward greater clarity about our purpose and how we can best serve the world.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo

As the New Moon unfolds, Mercury will enter its retrograde phase in Virgo, seeming to move backward from our earthly perspective. This period of reflection supports us in organizing, processing, and restructuring information, allowing us to see clearly what may need to be reworked for greater harmony and impact.

As Mercury’s retrograde journey moves through Leo later in August, we are invited to explore new approaches to our creative self-expression and deepen our commitment to sharing our unique gifts with the world.

Rituals for the New Moon in Leo and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo / Leo

The following rituals will support you in utilizing and anchoring in the new moon energy to support your intentions. As always, feel free to pick the ones that resonate with you most and in which you find joy and purpose.

1. Reconnect with Your Inner Child’s Heart

Leo’s energy resonates deeply with the heart and our innate creative instincts, often rooted in our childhood. Choose a creative activity you cherished as a child and spend time engaging in it fully and joyfully. Embrace the playfulness and freedom that arises when you release expectations and simply live the moment. This act of reconnecting may spark new ideas and insights for other areas of your life.

2. Fire Gazing

Light a candle or a small fire outdoors, in a safe and sacred space. As you kindle the flame, set the intention to connect with the profound wisdom of this elemental force. Gaze deeply into the dancing flames, and open your heart to the fire’s ancient guidance. Allow its energy to flow through you, revealing insights and truths meant just for you. When you feel the ritual has shared its secrets and your heart is full, offer a sprig of tarragon—Leo’s herb of gratitude—in reverence for the wisdom bestowed upon you.

3. Lion Meditation

Find a quiet space, perhaps somewhere in nature, and close your eyes. Set an intention to meet with a majestic lion, embodying sovereignty, confidence, and joy. This lion, fearless and driven by love and a passion for authenticity, awaits you. Invite the lion to guide you through a scene in your current life, revealing how you can embody these powerful qualities. Pay close attention to the images, sounds, and sensations that arise during this sacred encounter. To honor this experience, place an object on your altar that embodies the lion's energy. Citrine, carnelian, tiger’s eye, and onyx are all wonderful choices, each resonating with the spirit of Leo.

4. Yoga for the Heart and Spine

During this New Moon, consider focusing on yoga poses that support and strengthen your spine, nurturing the back of your heart space. Explore poses such as bridge, cat-cow, child’s pose, cobra, upward dog, camel, Sphinx, or triangle pose to foster openness, alignment and balance.

As we welcome the New Moon in Leo, let us honor the light within ourselves and recognize this same divine light in all those around us. May this luminous energy guide us to shine our inner brilliance and share our authentic selves with the world.

If you wish to deepen your connection to nature’s cycles and wisdom through sisterhood and ceremony, I invite you to join The Sacred Spiral — a year-and-a-day program for those who wish to start their initiatory journey on the Priestess path, guided by The Wheel of the Year. The Sacred Spiral delves into the age-old teachings of the elements, directions, and seasons, guiding you toward a life lived fully-embodied and sovereign. Save your spot on the waitlist to be the first to know when the doors open again!


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