Rituals for the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse

Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse accompanying the New Moon in Libra invites an exploration of our shadows as our moon and sun cross paths. Solar eclipses embody all the magic of a New Moon, and amplify!

Everything available on a New Moon is magnified during a solar eclipse, where the ring of fire creates a supercharged experience. The upcoming annular eclipse will cast a shadow, and its effects will ripple around the world.

A note about Libra…

Libra, the sign of justice, holds the scales of balance. At the heart of Libra lies an ability to understand all perspectives, embracing the complexity of opposing truths. This is not a matter of assigning right or wrong; rather, Libra teaches us to appreciate the full spectrum of reality without judgments or taking sides. True justice emerges only when the entire truth is unveiled.

As you journey through this eclipse, pay close attention to the truths that arise within and around you. Gently inquire whether they truly resonate with your spirit. This eclipse invites you to question everything—not to disprove, but to deepen your understanding. In this sacred space of reflection, decide what is true for you.

Rituals for the Libra New Moon and the Annular Solar Eclipse

During eclipses, I tend to avoid major rituals. Instead, I prefer to do grounding practices that help me align with the energy within. Eclipses can often bring about chaotic energies, so I find it comforting to focus on gentleness. The following practices are perfect for exploring the intense eclipse season. Feel free to choose the one that resonates with you the most.

*If you’d like to deepen your daily sacred practice with rituals aligned to each phase of the moon, I’ve created a free workbook for you to explore. You can download your FREE copy of the Moon Rituals and Cycle Mapping Workbook here.

1. Hold Space for Yourself

For this ritual, consider bringing a candle and your favorite blanket or pillow.

As you navigate your spiritual journey, we often hear about this idea of “holding space” or “creating space,” but rarely do we really go into what this actually means in practice.

In this simple ritual, practice “holding” yourself in a sacred container to really feel what it is to be held by your own healing energy.

Begin by lighting a candle—perhaps on your altar—opening the space for this ritual. Cast a circle, perhaps made of salt, or perhaps with your dominant hand’s pointer finger, and then do nothing but sit. Let the soft flicker of the flame draw you inward, creating a safe container for your experience.

Take a moment to breathe deeply, inviting stillness into your mind and heart. Allow yourself to simply be. Feel the warmth of the candle’s glow surrounding you, inviting reflection on your current journey. Feel the flame around you like a protective energetic boundary. As you sit within this resonance, connect with your heart.

When you feel complete exploring your inner space, uncast your circle and give thanks to your flame before snuffing or pinching it out.

2. Tree Wisdom Share

Find an old tree in your vicinity that resonates with you. As you approach it, offer it something in exchange for its share. Perhaps also take a moment to admire its strength and wisdom—there are so many lessons we can learn from trees! Find a comfortable sitting position at the base of the tree, and allow your body to connect with the earth beneath you.

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, envisioning roots extending from your body into the ground, while also connecting to the roots of the tree. Soak in the tree’s medicine, feeling its grounding energy envelop you. Allow this connection to remind you of the cycles of life and the beauty of letting go. As you sit in this space, listen for any messages or insights the tree may offer, inviting you to embrace the endings and beginnings present in your life.

3. Reflect on Transitions

In the stillness of the dawn or dusk - the time of the in-between - take your journal and reflect on the endings you sense this eclipse portal has brought forth in your life. What patterns are shifting? What in between is ready to cross over in your life?

Write freely, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow onto the pages. This practice of journaling can bring clarity and understanding, illuminating the changes that are calling for your attention.

After writing, take a moment to honor what you’ve expressed. You may choose to keep this entry private or do this together with someone and share together.

As we cross through the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse, may we navigate the waters of change with ease and grace. These gentle rituals honor the cycles of nature and can help you align with the energies both within and around you. Allow the magic of this moment to unfold, guiding you toward deeper connections and a more harmonious existence.

If you feel called to deepen your connection to Mother Nature, align your heartbeat with the rhythms of the Earth, and delve into rituals, ceremony, and sisterhood, I invite you to join The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey. This year-and-a-day container follows the wisdom within The Wheel of the Year, the seasons, and the elements, where I will hold space for you to explore the mysteries of your soul. You can find more details about it here.


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