Signs You Are on the Priestess Path

Signs you are on the Priestess Path...

As the seasons shift and the world wraps itself in change, you may feel a stirring within—an echo of ancient wisdom inviting you to embrace the priestess path. This journey is one of profound self-discovery, nurturing intuition, offering your sacred service, and awakening to the feminine that flows within. If your heart sounds at the thought of this calling, you may find yourself resonating with these signs that guide your path. To explore which priestess lineage you may come from, take our quiz here.

Signs You Are on the Priestess Path

1. Intuition as Your Guiding Star

Like a gentle breeze whispering through the trees, your intuition brings you closer to your truth. You find solace in trusting that inner voice, the soft yet unwavering guidance that leads you toward decisions aligned with your highest self. This blossoming relationship with your intuition is a hallmark of the Priestess, who dances gracefully with the rhythms of the universe and helps guide others home to theirs.

2. A Heartfelt Desire to Serve

You feel a calling to uplift and support those around you, to be a beacon of light in the lives of others. Whether through guiding, helping through healing practices, nurturing, or sharing your gifts, your heart swells with a desire to serve. This selfless impulse reflects the sacred connection you have to the collective, recognizing that your journey is intertwined with the journeys of all.

3. Enchantment with Ritual and Ceremony

The allure of ritual calls to you like a memory long forgotten. You are captivated by the sacredness of ceremonies that mark life’s transitions and honor the sacred. Whether you find joy in creating your rituals or participating in communal ceremonies, you know that these moments connect you to the divine, weaving a tapestry of intention and magic.

4. A Deep Connection to the Earth

The natural world resonates deeply with you. You feel a magnetic pull to the earth, the trees, and the moonlit sky. As you spend time in nature, you become more attuned to its rhythms and cycles, finding solace and clarity in its embrace. Nature is not just a backdrop; it’s a vital part of your spiritual journey. The earth becomes your sanctuary, where you find clarity and grounding, nurturing your connection to the divine.

5. The Journey of Self-Discovery

The priestess path is a sacred journey of unveiling the layers of your being. You are drawn to explore the depths of your emotions, to heal the wounds of the past, and to embrace the radiant essence of who you truly are. This journey invites you to shed what no longer serves you, revealing the luminous being that has always existed within.

6. Awakening to Synchronicities

As you walk this path, you may begin to notice a symphony of synchronicities—signs from the universe that guide and affirm your journey. These magical moments serve as gentle reminders that you are aligned with your purpose, encouraging you to trust the flow of your life. Each sign is a loving nudge from the cosmos, affirming your path.

7. Embracing the Sacred Feminine

In your heart, you feel a blossoming relationship with the sacred feminine—a way of being that honors the nurturing, intuitive, and creative self. You may find yourself drawn to goddesses, archetypes, or spiritual practices that resonate with your soul, inviting you to honor the sacred feminine within and around you. This connection empowers you to embrace your gifts and celebrate your unique journey.

Walking the Priestess Path

If your spirit resonates with these signs, know that you are on a beautiful and transformative journey. The priestess path is a winding river, flowing uniquely for each woman, inviting you to discover and embrace your gifts.

If you're feeling the call to start or continue your journey on the path of the Priestess, you are welcome to join The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey, a year-long program inspired by the Wheel of The Year, directions, and elements. You can learn more about the program here.

P.S. If you have any questions about the Spiral, reach out to me at


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