The 7 Divine Feminine Archetypes

The archetypes within our modern-day studies are largely around Jungian psychology, and while we are exploring them today, we know that they are not exhaustive. There are a great many other archetypes to be explored, but in an effort to bring through a more digestible article, we will explore the seven most well-known archetypes here.

The Origins of Feminine Archetypes

Based on Jungian psychology, there are 7 Archetypes (or in some cases 13) attributed to feminine energy. Although Carl Jung thoroughly researched these archetypes, they are much older than Jungian psychology. Literature and history show that these archetypes existed long he began to write about them, and are rooted in societies where the sacred feminine was as deeply revered as the masculine. That is why certain goddesses such as Inanna, Isis, Gaia, Aphrodite, etc., are associated with some of the archetypes.

In Jungian psychology, archetypes are considered original patterns or models that form the foundation for behavioral aspects. However, from a more spiritual perspective, we can see the archetypes much more vividly and full of life.

The 7 Divine Feminine Archetypes

The Maiden

Think of the Maiden as a fresh and early spring wind. She embodies the actions of initiation, discovering new paths, and finding her way. Visualize the fragile snowdrops that break through the frozen, snowy earth to reach up to the light. They are fragile but at the same time strong to break those barriers where no other flower comes to life. This is the energy of the Maiden. The aligned traits of the Maiden are an adventurous and curious spirit, hungry to learn more.

Goddess embodiments: In myth, the Maiden archetype was embodied by Inanna (Mesopotamian), Persephone (Greek), Isis (Egyptian), or Proserpina (Roman).

The Mother

The Mother archetype is the regenerative principle, she who creates. Her qualities are loving, nurturing, and nourishment in all its forms: creation, community, and Earth. You do not need to be a mother to embody this archetype. Regardless of whether you have children, the regenerative principle is within all. It is the act of caring for others, being a symbol of stability and strength, and the potential of bringing creations (of any kind) to life.

Goddesses: In myth, the Mother archetype was embodied by Demeter (Roman), Ceres (Roman), Gaia (Greek), and Kali Ma (Hindu).

The Sage (Wise Woman)

There was a time when elderly women were highly revered, respected, loved, and heard. In today’s frenetic and chaotic society, the image of old women is often marginalized. The Sage archetype is about embodying life's wisdom and understanding complex contexts. It is the symbol of insight and knowledge. The Wise Woman is reflective, intelligent, kind, and helpful. She embodies a deep understanding of life and seeks truth through contemplation and learning. The Sage values knowledge and insight, often acting as a guide or mentor to others. With a calm and rational demeanor, the Sage approaches problems with objectivity and clarity.

Goddesses: In myth, the Sage archetype was embodied by Athena (Greek), Hecate (Greek), Minerva (Roman), Freyja (Norse), Lilith (Sumerian), Sekhmet (Egyptian), and Ishtar (Mesopotamian).

The Huntress

With a wild heart and a courageous spirit, the Huntress archetype is the powerful Warrioress energy channeled when we need an extra boost to pursue our dreams, aspirations, and visions as well as to set boundaries. The traits of the Huntress archetype are focus, independence, and determination. She also represents independence, strength, and a deep connection to nature. This archetype often pursues goals with relentless energy and purpose. The Huntress is fiercely protective of her autonomy and values freedom above all else. She is skilled, adventurous, and courageous, thriving in challenges and embracing her wild, untamed spirit. T

Goddesses: In myth, the Huntress archetype was embodied by Artemis (Greek), Diana (Roman), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Pinga (Inuit), Oya (Nigerian), and Medeina (Baltic).

The Lover

We embody the Lover archetype within the relationship we have with ourselves and others. Self-love is the foundation for a healthy relationship with love. The Lover is she who sees and creates beauty in all things, she embodies love to all beings. Those who feel most connected to this archetype are often highly creative and express their emotions through artistic pursuits. They seek meaningful, intimate relationships and exhibit a strong sense of compassion and empathy.

Goddesses: In myth, the Lover archetype was embodied by Venus (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Hathor (Egyptian), Astarte (Phoenician), and The Sirens (Greek, Roman & Asian).

The Queen

The Queen archetype is the leader, the one who lets herself be guided by the divine to guide communities toward higher purposes and the good of all. This archetype has seen a revival in recent years, with more women coming into leadership positions. However, it is essential to remind ourselves that while leading, we must revere and honor the divine feminine as much as the divine masculine. She embodies a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to others, often taking on the role of protector and caregiver. The Queen is dignified, confident, and commands respect, using her influence to create stability and harmony within her realm. She is wise, fair, and just, balancing her authority with compassion and a deep commitment to the well-being of those she serves.

Goddesses: In myth, the Queen archetype was embodied by Hera (Greek), Juno (Roman), Frigg (Norse), Isis (Egyptian), and Asherah (Hittite & Babylonian).

The Mystic

The Mystic archetype is the priestess within you. She values the mystical and the sacred and leads a life deeply rooted in spirituality. The Mystic sees, feels, understands, and honors the existence and interconnection of different magical realms. She is the keeper of the truth, deeply sensitive to the unseen world. She may act as an anchor between worlds, guide souls on their journey, and hold space for others to tap into their own mysticism and divinity.

Goddesses: In myth, the Mystic archetype was embodied by Hestia (Greek), Vesta (Roman), Chantico (Aztec), and Ainu Kamuy (Japanese).

As you might understand by now, all these archetypes are part of our existence, and we hold parts of each within ourselves. While we may gravitate to certain aspects more grateful, we have the capacity to experience all. Simply having an awareness around their existence and features, helps us to step into our power more authentically and sovereignly, as we journey on our path.

If you wish to explore archetypal wisdom in depth while enriching your spiritual experience in sisterhood and ceremony, I invite you to join The Sacred Spiral Priestess Journey. Based on The Wheel of The Year, this year-long container is created for the modern woman who seeks to remember and reconnect with her sacred feminine. Doors reopen in the fall, so make sure to join the waitlist to keep up with any details.


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