Full Moon in Aries: Embodying the Warrioress

This week we are basking under the glow of the Super Full moon in Aries on October 17th, while also ruminating on the eclipses that we’ve been experiencing on the Aries-Libra axis that began back in 2023. Otherwise known as the Me-We axis, it’s a powerful time to consider how we may have evolved recently in our relationships—those with ourselves, as well as those with our nearest and dearest. Aries reminds us to prioritize our own hearts and needs, so that we may show up with sincere and aligned agency to bring our gifts to the friends, relationships, and communities that most embrace them.

As we have just completed a potent eclipse season, and this full moon is also a Super Moon, you may be feeling particularly activated or overwhelmed. If so, know that you are right on time! You may find it supportive to explore your personal relationship with each phase through our Moon Rituals Workbook.

Embodying the Warrioress

Aries embodies the Warrioress, she who is unafraid to light the spark of her potential. She brazenly charges forward, ripe with ideas and ready for initiation, unbothered by outcomes. She offers us the freedom to try without fear of failure. With primal and passionate energetic signatures, Aries can also create space to release unresolved frustration and rage. If these feelings surface, know that they often speak to where our boundaries have been crossed or where we may have sacrificed our own needs to please others. Aries wants us to embrace our inner fire and behave bravely in the name of who we are, what we believe, and how we want to show up in the world.

Full Moon Conjunct Chiron

This Super Full Moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries—the zodiac’s wounded healer. This asteroid has the potential to reveal our deepest pain and our fullest potential. Lessons from Chiron centre on transmuting vulnerability and wounding into wisdom and compassion. In conjunction with the moon, ruler of our emotional realms, Chiron is asking us to tend to the wounds we have yet to heal. Be present with the grief that may surface, and treat your own wounds the way you would a friend’s, with tenderness and care. The total solar eclipse in April of this year was also conjunct Chiron—another reason that this is a potent time to consider where you may have either committed to the path of healing or avoided the risk of vulnerability in the last 6 months. Know that Aries can step in and support the risks that must be taken in order to step into the light.

Honouring Eclipse Season

While I don’t suggest engaging with strong rituals during eclipses, it can be helpful to reflect and release once the season has completed. It is likely that the eclipses of April and October this year have shaken up outdated relationships, patterns, and beliefs. You may have lost or ended certain dynamics in your day-to-day world—so now would be a beautiful time to honor them. Because emotions may be raw this full moon, we suggest engaging in a single ritual that embraces Aries’ fiery, trailblazer nature.

Ritual: Write down anything that has been holding you back, anything you might be ready to release once and for all—fears, doubts, old stories that no longer serve you. Safely burn the paper, watching as the flames consume what you’re ready to release. With each flicker, imagine those limitations dissolving, making space for new possibilities. This symbolizes both the freedom of letting go and the courage to make space for new beginnings.

With the spirit of self-discovery and bravery in your heart, we invite you to gather your reflections and intentions as we head into the dark time of the year. Though Aries embraces independence, please know that you are not alone in this journey. We are all connected in our pursuit of individuation, growth, and transformation. The Warrioress reminds us to shine bright, embrace our fire, and befriend the unstoppable force that is our own becoming. The world needs your light—now is your time to shine.

As we edge closer to Samhain, the season of the feminine, you may feel called to be held in sacred space and ritual with other like-hearted women who are also exploring their innermost callings, who are also bravely stepping towards the possibility of their own potential. If so, I warmly invite you to join me for a free online ceremony where we will priestess Samhain together. To see the details and attend Secrets of Samhain live with me, register here.

P.S. If you cannot attend live, I will send you a recording after the event.


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